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TU Wien Academy for Continuing Education MBA Innovation, Digitalization & Entrepreneurship
TU Wien Academy for Continuing Education

MBA Innovation, Digitalization & Entrepreneurship

Vienna, Austria

4 Semesters


Part time

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EUR 26.890 / per course *

Amestecat, În campus

* excluding expenses for travel and accommodation. EUR 27.400, when participating in the international IDEA field study, excluding expenses for travel and accommodation


Innovation, Digitalization & Entrepreneurship

Management & Technology MBA

În acest program Executive MBA, veți dobândi toate instrumentele pentru a iniția și implementa inovații dinamice, precum și proiecte de start-up într-o manieră antreprenorială și cooperativă. Puteți analiza căile tehnologice și puteți identifica oportunitățile de inovare într-un stadiu incipient. Sunteți capabil să dezvoltați strategii inovatoare pentru a dezvălui acest potențial și a comunica soluții creative la toate nivelurile. Cu asta, ai stabilit o piatră de hotar pentru definirea unui concept de inovație și a unui model de afaceri pe viitor.

  • Final Degree: "Master of Business Administration" (MBA) granted by the Vienna University of Technology
  • Language of Instruction: English
  • Duration: 3 semesters + Master's thesis


In our base modules on Management & Technology, you acquire a sound understanding of technological developments as well as key business skills in order to gain decision-making competence in general issues of management. In the base camp on Leadership & Organizational Behavior, you surpass yourself and learn about your leadership behavior. Experience- and practice-oriented learning as well as intensive exchange and interaction in small groups take your leadership competence to a new level and strengthen your self-awareness as a leader.

At the next stage of the Innovation, Digitalization, and Entrepreneurship MBA, we provide you with know-how and practical tools for starting and growing a company as well as implementing innovative concepts. You discuss the role, tasks, and characteristics of intra- and entrepreneurs in the light of digital trends and technological opportunities. You learn to "read" the map and to incorporate creative solutions in a profound business- and project plan. In a further step, you get the most important methods for organizing, financing, and marketing innovation. With that, you are well prepared and ready to seek new heights.

Our program is designed for professionals and allows you to balance your job, family, and MBA. It allows you to work whilst developing new entrepreneurial skills, knowledge, and competencies.

The program runs for 18 months and classes are taught in a block format usually from Thursday-Saturday or Friday-Sunday, usually about every 4 weeks. In total, the program consists of 45 teaching days.

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